Success Stories: McQuilling Services Market Analyst Internship
in Business Analytics
Market Analyst Internship at McQuilling Services, Garden
City, New York
What job/internship experience have you landed and what steps
did you take to earn it?
the school year at Hofstra, I secured two internships: Global Account
Management at IHS Markit for the summer of 2018 in Beijing, China, and Market
Analyst at McQuilling Services for the fall of 2018 in Garden City, New York.
Both my fall and summer internships were referred to me by friends who work for
the companies. Luckily, I was invited to the interviews and passed them.
What advice do you have for other students?
I would say that an important and easier way to obtain an internship,
especially for international students, is to use referrals. Networking plays a
vital role in seeking an internship in the United States. Try to talk sincerely to alumni, listen to their success
stories and learn from them. Additionally, do not forget to mention the skills
you have and opportunities you are seeking.
you can be referred, you need to be prepared for the internship by having
already done something that strengthens your background and experience. For
example, having projects or presentations on your resume will help advance you
to an interview, and they can be great discussion points.
How did GBCS help you?
I went to GBCS to revise my resume and practice my interview
skills many times. All of the career coaches of GBCS helped me tremendously. They
taught me how to build my LinkedIn profile and sent me information on
internship opportunities. I have to say thank you to GBCS!
Hofstra students, GBCS is a great place to get career help. Do not hesitate to visit
them with any career questions!
I can recommend primarily decent and even responsible tips, as a result view it: laundry